b'Engage with Us!We want to support you in all the ways thatVolunteer for Phonathonyou need us, whenever you need us. WeHelp us to generate funds to support our hope that you feel the same! As a non-profit,non-profit in our biggest fundraiser of the we rely on donations and volunteers to doyear! Contact Michele Mazzei, mmazzei@this important work.barkerfoundation.org for more information. Here are some ways that you can supportThere are multiple ways that you can help: Barker in our effort to provide loving, safe,Phone calls to adoptive families and adoptive families for children in need: donorsAdministrative supportShare Your StoryDrivers to deliver caller information packagesShare your adoption story with prospectiveThank-you note writers adoptive families at our monthly Adoption Information Meetings and Pre-AdoptionAttend a Barker Event and Join training. Adoptive families often tell us thatthe Communityhearing from adoptive families directly was crucial in their decision to adopt, gave themBarker picnic in Septemberreal perspective and allowed them to askAnnual Meeting in Mayquestions from families who have personalAnnual Conference in Marchexperience with the process, the challenges and the joys of adoption. Contact SierraJoin a Free Group Counseling Stults at sstults@barkerfoundation.org for more information.and Discussion GroupYour written stories are crucial toAdult adopteeencouraging more people to adopt andBirth parentdonate. To share your story in written form inParents of adopted young adultsthe Annual Report or other venues, contactPWNL parents Libby Powell, lpowell@barkerfoundation.org. Thank you for all you do for Barker and the adoption community! How You Can Help: Monthly DonationsPlanned GiftEvent Sponsorship Annual GiftWorkplace Giving Matching GiftFriends of BarkerPlease visit barkeradoptionfoundation.org/2023-annual-fund or use the envelope included to provide your support today.20BARKER ADOPTION FOUNDATION'